Saturday, July 28, 2007

Am I leaving something behind?

On the way to the desert,

I look back,

the misty blue,

and a face,

Am i leaving something behind?

The Wind rustling my hair,

as if the sky beckons,

and so does the tower,

so do the faces I love,

with just one missing,

Am i leaving something behind?

I dare to smile,

and look ahead,

the corner of my eye,

looks back instead,

Am i leaving something behind?

The glare of the sun is soft today,

but I'd miss that glint,

The sands pile on,

and I imagine a dimple,

I ask myself again,

Am I leaving something behind?

The cold rain hits me,

I'm drenched with emotions,

Bliss being at the top,

'Cos I am leaving something behind,

but for a change,

I have something to miss

Varun Anand
0042 hrs
28th July, 2007

Friday, July 20, 2007

Just this once

I've fallen before,

I've skinned my knees,

I've bled wine,

I've drank tears,

But just this once,

I hope the grass in my hand doesn't slip,

The moon I gaze at doesn't wane,

The hand i hold doesn't lose grip,

Just this once,

I wish I don't move from where i stand,

As the rain falls on my face,

I wish I never forget this feel,

As a glare of heat rummages through my heart,

I wish I can stay a moment more,

Just a moment,

And just this once,

I wish I don't have to walk back

0123 hrs
20th July, 2007
Varun Anand

Wednesday, July 18, 2007


Left or right,

My mind seems to be lost,

Avalanched in thoughts

My eyes straining hard,

to see the road ahead

My fingers crush,

Twigs at a time,

A little light coming from the left,

and darkness to the right

I wonder where to move,

I sit like stone,

The brain,

otherwise helpful

seizes to work,

Its been an age,

And with every breath of air

I wait,

For the Smoke to Clear

0133 hrs
18th July, 2007
Varun Anand
(I just cant think straight right now!)

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

The Dead End



Bang, I see blue..

The mop of hair on my head colored red,

This wall was meant to hold

meant to hold me back,

but i chose to test it

Another trickle down my forehead,

Another bang on the wall,

I wonder whats on the other side,

luring me to break through

my mind imagining a wide open field

full of poppies welcoming me,

as I bang hard again,

My vision darkening a bit

I persevere,

My head spinning,

but the image of the fields encouraging me

Another splurt of blood,

and Im surrounded by darkness,

And as I hit the ground,

I feel the poppies crush under me,

and as conciousness leaves me,

I realise, I was banging on the dead end.

Varun Anand
3rd July , 2007
(Feeling Dark)

Monday, July 02, 2007

My Illusion

Walking down the tunnel,

I see a small shimmering bright light,

glinting at me with all its might,

luring me on,

one more step,

just one more

I walk towards it, and it diminishes

and as I stop, it lights up again.

Almost wicked,

Urging me to go on when i loose all hope,

I think I should listen to my brain,

It warns me against trusting the light,

As i stop, the surroundings urge me to move,

and as I move, the light goes out

Leaving me in darkness

Torturously, giving me a reason to move

and then stopping me right in my tracks.

I take a deep breath and take my chance,

I run for it,

trying to grab the darkness.

I hit a wall,

I wake up from another illusion,

I sit in the dark

till I see the light again.

Varun Anand
2nd July, 2007
(This one is kind of like a different theme to what I usually write on! So read this with a fresh train of thought!)